Thursday 22 July 2010

The Music Video Brief

1) A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options:

1-A website homepage for the band:
2-A cover for its releasse on DVD
3-A magazine advertisement fort he DVD

Thursday 15 July 2010

This Year's Project - Brief

I have decided to take the music video option as it is definitely my favourite option out of the other two consisting of a short film and a teaser trailer which sound far too challenging. With music video, I feel much more confident as well as the fact that it will not just be fun but also a little challenge which will feel great when we over come it.

Our group consists of myself, Sam Whitcombe and Luke Bowden. We have already chosen a band called "The Midnight Beast". We originally decided to research for an unsigned band on the net and we ended up finding one of the Midnight Beast' songs called "Friends for Never" on a youtube search. They can also be found on Myspace, facebook and twitter. We did research various other songs by the same band as well as many others but we as a group agreed on this song being the best for us to use as our project this year.

It has humour, feeling and meaning. The song will require all three of us to sing. We will be altering and changing the original video quite a lot at many parts to improve it and give it out touch. We have decided our filming location to be at Kingsway, Kingswood. We will be filming outside as well as inside a house of our friends living on the same road.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Review of Last Lesson (6th July)

Last lesson we researched short films, movie trailers and music videos in order to help us decide what we would like to do for our project this year. Personally, music videos were my favourite.

We then got into groups and went off to film something which came within the suspicion genre in the form of a short film just to give us an idea of what a short film needs to include and the effort needed to make it a success. Our primary goal was to try and use the camera in creative and technical ways.

I think we succeeded as we had some new camera shots in our short film such as the Discovery shot which we also learnt of that day. We were only allowed to in camera edit so it was quite a challenge in and because of this we also had to be careful while filming as we had to make sure we film everything in order as we were not allowed to use the computers to edit.

At the end, the film ended up as quite a moderate success, despite us only having less than 10 minutes to film, it was quite a good film with some new techniques used. The genre of suspicion in our short film was also understandable and it can easily be recognized.

Thursday 1 July 2010

Review of Last Year

Last year, I chose the Print option in order to create my Music Magazine following a specific genre of music. I think I performed quite well in the project, I chose the Hip Hop genre as it is my favourite kind of music. I did a lot of research following other similar magazines in the same genre such as Vibe.

I think I learnt many new skills in the period of the course and it has helped me a lot for this year. This project introduced Photoshop to me which I had never used before. I had a lot of trouble with it at first but after only days I could use it quite comfortably. So Photoshop was definitely a new skill I learnt in the process and I think I done relatively well using it seeing as it was a completely new software to me.

One of my weaknesses in this project last year was probably my knowledge on how to layout my magazine. I got confused trying to put together several magazine layouts all in my one magazine when I could only choose one for it to actually look like a magazine.

I think I could easily improve on this by simply researching various magazines (covers) then choosing my favourite magazine and focussing on it. Another one of my weaknesses was taking photos as I have never had any professional photography experience.

Despite this, I think I did much better in terms of taking a picture at a certain angle and in more suitable light as I am sure I will next time now that I have some experience. Overall, I found the project very enjoyable and I felt I learnt a lot through out the process.